Production, motivation and immersion education : Some recent swiss data


Comment citer

Maillat, D. (2022). Production, motivation and immersion education : Some recent swiss data. Cahiers Du Centre De Linguistique Et Des Sciences Du Langage, (23), 155–161.


In this paper, I will be looking at some recent data collected in Switzerland in connection with an ongoing programme funded by the Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique, which coordinates a variety of parallel research projects under the general heading of Diversité des langues et compétences linguistiques en Suisse. The present study is derived from a project which focuses on the complex network of relationships which obtain between the competence in the target language and the competence in the subject matter in the context of immersion education (project entitled Construction inégrée des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires dans l’enseignement bilingue au secondaire et au tertiaire).
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