Paradigme, syntagme et changement morphologique. A propos de formes casuelles analogiques dans les langues classiques
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How to Cite

Sandoz, C. (2013). Paradigme, syntagme et changement morphologique. A propos de formes casuelles analogiques dans les langues classiques. Cahiers Du Centre De Linguistique Et Des Sciences Du Langage, (36), 173–183.


In the thematic inflection of classical languages, the plural of nouns includes analogical forms: nominative in Greek and Latin, and genitive in Latin. Their history is more complex than usually acknowledged. Although the nominative pl. is modelled after the pronominal type – as commonly believed –, the analogical process doesn't take place directly from the pronoun to the noun: rather, it is mediated by the adjective. In the same way, the adjective acts as a go-between in the "pronominalization" of the nominal genitive pl. ending. This intermediate stage can be inferred from internal indices and from the comparison with Germanic languages. A third analogical case-ending is occasionally found in the dative-ablative pl. of Latin ā-stems. While it is not totally unknown in the pronominal and adjectival declension, this innovation primarily concerns a substantive class and can only be explained in a particular context.
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