WhatsApp voice messaging as an emergent digital practice : a multi-method analysis
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Computer-Mediated Communication, Computer-Mediated Spoken Interaction, WhatsApp Instant-Messaging, Conversation Analysis, Ethnographic Methods, Study Design


Comment citer

Emery, R. (2018). WhatsApp voice messaging as an emergent digital practice : a multi-method analysis. Cahiers Du Centre De Linguistique Et Des Sciences Du Langage, (55), 135–157. https://doi.org/10.26034/la.cdclsl.2018.287


In this contribution, I describe the development process of my Masters thesis in which I investigated WhatsApp Voice Messaging through a multi-method approach, using Conversation Analysis in combination with ethnographic methods. This exploratory study allowed me to classify WhatsApp Voice Messaging within Susan Herring’s Faceted Classification Scheme for Computer-Mediated Discourse (2007). In the first part, I introduce Voice Messaging and provide some background for the reader to understand the elements founding the multi-method I used. Next, I describe my methodology step-by-step in a comprehensive way. Then I take the reader through a detailed analysis of three selected findings, assembling complementary results. Finally, I list the limitations of my methodology and provide some orientation for future research.

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